One-legged balance posture that ‘entangles’ you and helps you clear your mind, strengthen your body, and stretch your shoulders after a stressful day at the computer.
The Eagle, Garudasana, is a one-legged balance posture that ‘entangles’ you and helps you clear your mind, strengthen your body, and stretch your shoulders after a stressful day at the computer.
Step by Step
- From Mountain Pose, inhale and feel all 4 corners of the soles of your feet flat on the ground. As you exhale, flex your right knee deeply and gradually shift your body weight to the same side.
- Lift your left leg so that it crosses over your bent right knee and wrap your left foot around your calf.
- Sit on your buttocks a bit so your right knee bends a bit more.
- As you inhale, tuck your tailbone in and lengthen your spine by bringing your chin closer to your throat. Extend your arms forward parallel to the ground and cross your right arm over your left, then bend your forearms up from the elbows, and if you reach it, face your palms together. Raise your elbows to shoulder height and move your hands away from your face.
- Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths. Gently untangle your legs and arms as you exhale, return to Mountain Pose and repeat on the other side.
Beginner tips
If you can’t ‘twist’ your legs, just cross one leg over the other, resting your ankle where it will go, either on top of the thigh or behind the opposite calf, and ‘sit’ well into the pose.
If you can’t cross your arms either, try folding your arms into a ‘cactus’ at shoulder height and crossing one over the other with your palms facing out.
You can also stand near a wall to support your back against it.
Keys to postures of the Eagle
- Looking forward between hands
- Forearms away from the face
- Strong arms squeezing each other
- Elbows in line with the knees
- Firm legs squeezing one at a time
- The rolled-up big toe faces the ground
- Bodyweight well distributed on the sole of the foot
- active core
- Straight back and flat shoulder blades
- Strengthens legs, ankles, shoulders, arms and spine
- Stretch your shoulders and back
- Improves balance and proprioception
- Promotes concentration